How I Got 7 Virtual Assistant Clients In One Hour
Most of us (ie online business owners) LOVE the fact that we can work from home for our clients in our PJs on the couch. Heck I named my first book "Work In Your PJ's" I loved the concept that much! We get comfy in our relaxed work state to the point where we avoid...
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Why Tech Skills Alone Won’t Get You Clients
I recorded a video once about newer VAs making more money than experienced VAs....and NOT because they were better skilled at their service offering for clients - but because of other reasons. Today I want to extend on that topic and discuss why being awesome at what...
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The Missing Link In Your Virtual Assistant Content Strategy
You don’t have to do any research to know there are thousands of Virtual Assistants, serving thousands of businesses in the world. Thousands and thousands. Some Virtual Assistants are amazing, some not so much – so how do you stand out from the crowd and be seen and...
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How To Know When To Release A Client In Your Virtual Assistant Business
Sometimes it can be hard to let go of a client (in our Virtual Assistant business) that we have previously said yes to. We said yes we would help them. That we would support them and that we would be there for them - and now you're contemplating saying no - eek!! But...
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How To Decide Which Services To Offer In Your Virtual Assistant Business
Ask in any VA forum about what services to offer in your Virtual Assistant business and you will get comments like... "what does your niche need" "play to your strengths" "what do you want to specialise in" "what do you love doing" etc etc etc Yep they are right -...
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How To Design A Sales Meeting In Your Virtual Assistant Business
Are you really making the most of every sales opportunity you are having in your Virtual Assistant business? If you’re reading this then there is a good chance you are already familiar with sales funnels.....But perhaps not in your Virtual Assistant business? But for...
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Why You Shouldn’t Subcontract Long Term As A Virtual Assistant
When one joins the industry and we are so excited and eager to learn as much as possible, we often think that subcontracting for another more experienced Virtual Assistant is the way to go. Unfortunately many Virtual Assistants never move out of this role. They become...
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Why You Shouldn’t Be BFF With Your Clients
We (Virtual Assistants) can't help but become entwined into our clients worlds. Eventually we know when their kids birthdays are coming up or how their summer holidays have been. We become more than just someone that they outsource to and the longer we work with...
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The Daily Schedule Of A Master Virtual Assistant
One of the awesome things about being a Virtual Assistant is that our d100KVA Blueprint eWorkshays are so varied. We can easily integrate life and work and mix it up - working for short bursts over the day to suit our schedule. As awesome as it is - let's be honest,...
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Why You Should Make Your Clients Feel FOMO
Although I don't like generalising people it’s safe to say that most Virtual Assistants are naturally a warm nurturing kind of professional. Someone that doesn't need to toot their own horn every five minutes for validation. They work hard to make their clients...
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