by Donna Brown | Jan 12, 2016 | Poop To Profit Life Updates
Woah am I going to get some knickers in a knot for this one or WHAT! But I am okay with that. Because this vlogs is all about sharing my expierence. To start a conversation is to learn and to grow and that is a good thing. There is no right or wrong answer but I know...
by Donna Brown | Dec 14, 2015 | Mindset, Poop To Profit Life Updates
We’re soooo fixated on getting the RIGHT answer from Google or similar that we have forgotten to use our common sense, use our own judgement or even listen to your own intuition. Listening to everyone’s opinion and trying to fit it into our own different...
by Donna Brown | Nov 24, 2015 | Mindset, Poop To Profit Life Updates
Prior to giving birth, I received (as to be expected) a SHIT TON of tips, advice and similar. Many of them were around being a mother and running a business and what would changed. So I thought I would share with you all a bit of an update on what they said vs what...
by Donna Brown | Sep 2, 2015 | General Business, Mindset
Just because you have the internet and a computer doesn’t mean you’re ready to be a Virtual Assistant. Just because you have worked in administration doesn’t mean you’re ready to be a Virtual Assistant Not everyone is ready to be self...
by Donna Brown | Jun 17, 2015 | General Business, Mindset
I’ve been pondering this question for a while now but with two recent separate events in my personal life that made me appear to be very harsh on the success wagon, I feel compelled to talk about it today! . So tell me are you aiming too high or two low or just...