by Donna Brown | May 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
When you have been working for someone else for many years it can be really hard to get out of the employee mindset and into the business owner one. For many years you are used to being told what to do even if you don’t particularly like it. So when you start...
by Donna Brown | Apr 30, 2015 | General Business, Marketing
‘Saving time’ is not a bad thing….its just the wrong wording! I think its great as service providers we do save our clients a ton of time, BUT its not the benefit that we want people to buy you on. Because if they buy you around time benefits then...
by Donna Brown | Apr 7, 2015 | General Business, Mindset, Pricing
I’ve been working in the Virtual Assistant industry for 10 years now and over that time I’ve moved away from a traditional VA business to a thriving six figure business. I have learned a lot AND I have made many mistakes that I am grateful for as...
by Donna Brown | Jan 19, 2015 | Pricing
Sometimes I meet Virtual Assistants that have never changed their prices from the first day….or very little. They find it hard to up their prices (which is a completely different post) BUT then I realised something else. Given that they are liekly getting faster...